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  • TELEKINESIS (or Psychokinesis)...This is the ability to move objects without physical intervention. This is a very rare ability and even the greats of this ability are questioned in terms of authenticity. One of those people is Uri Geller, a world renowned spoon bender. To the disbelief of skeptics though, he's shown that he can bend metal objects, such as spoons and forks, from great distances and in several locations. And even more strange, is that people who are near him or can hear him while he does his bending can have this ability temporarily.

When choosing a name for my Facebook page, I wanted to find a title that no one else had used and I wanted it to be a page where everyone of different varying gifts could come together, so I used the biggest name that most are familiar with in the Paranormal world-the Psychic. Now, from searching around the Internet and from reading various books, I found that being a Psychic can cover a vast area of Abilities such as...

  • REMOTE VIEWING...This is the ability to see, hear or feel target locations unknown to the viewer. This was established by the military and they wished to differentiate it from the label of 'psychic' because it followed strict protocols and the target was often blind (meaning unknown). Ịt can involve all of the psychic senses and is associated with the term bi-location which means the viewer can actually experience a hyper reality, as if they were there on location with the target. Some advanced viewers have even claimed that they can interact with the target, such as swimming in a lake, having aperson (dead or alive) and so on.

  • PSYCHOMETRY...This is the technique used by psychics by which they pick up energy patterns from a physical object. We have our own electromagnetic properties and can leave these impressions, like fingerprints, on objects. A psychic using this technique will have subtle enough sensitivity to pick up those energy fields. This is why psychics like to use objects that were a "favorite" of the person in question, like a hat, ring, or something that only they generally touched. When other people touch objects, they too leave behind their energy imprint which can dilute the reading. Another example of psychometry are people who use Tarot cards or other tools of divination. They place their hands on the cards, and let the subconscious mind send energy signals back through the hand. This is not to be confused with electrokinesis which is the ability to produce and expel electricity from our own body.

  • CLAIRVOYANCE ...A person with this type of ability can see things not apparent to others, like receiving a vision of events or a visual impression about a person. This ability is often combined with others and is the most common. 
  • CLAIRSENTIENCE...This is the ability to receive impression that are more feeling in nature. Psychics associated with this ability are called empaths because they can feel the emotions of others.
  • CLAIRAUDIENCE...This is the ability to hear things that are outside the normal hearing range. This can be persons who have passed on or a spirit guide. A famous Clairaudient is John Edwards.

Now, as you can see, there is a vast range of abilities that we all can possess. Some of us may have all of these abilities in varying degrees and some may have only a few and some may have other gifts not listed above, but when someone says 'I am not Psychic', well, I would have to disagree.


Just as we learn to walk, ride a bicycle, read & write, we must also learn to develop our skills & abilities. The mere words 'I am not' stops one from moving forward and advancing in becoming the great person they could be. As my boyfriend Wayne S. Pierce says...'We are limitless Spiritual Beings existing within this Limited Physical Body'. There is so much about our Spirit that we have much to learn. We only use a small percentage of our mind but with the right skills, we can expand our gifts to help us find our own paths to Enlightenment and Happiness.

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